How to gamify the social experience at Smart Closet?

📍Product design at Smart Closet
What is Smart Closet?

Smart Closet is a clean, smart and easy-to-use tool to help you manage your wardrobe and daily outfit.

Smart Closet has achieved over 1 million downloads 🍻 in App Store and Google Play. It is ranked as 🎖 #1 in Shopping in the App Store with a review of 4.5/5 stars.

AppStore Page
Demo Demo
Design Roles
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Product Strategy
User Research
Feature Delivery
UX Design
Graphic Design
Content Design
Marketing Support


Smart Closet app was launching its social feed page which allows users to create public posts about their outfit look and share publicly. However, an important problem that the team was facing is how to create genuine interactions between users within fashion community?


Gamifying user's social experience could be a good solution to create genuine interactions.

By leveraging the hashtag feature which is already launched in the app, organizing outfit competition and encouraging users to participate could spark user's interest and create interactions among them.

User Interview & Market Research

I conducted 1:1 interviews with Smart Closet users over calls or Zoom meetings to learn about their social behavior. I also conducted market research on gaming apps which help users to create virtual look.

After conducting research with users and some gaming apps, I found that outfit look competitions are very popular in the fashion community and play an important role in keeping users coming back. After discussing with the team, we decided to launch a series of fashion competitions in the Smart Closet social feed to encourage interactions among users.

Collaborate With Engineering Team

By launching the competitions, besides topic selection and post creations, I would need the technical support from the engineer side:
a, in order to promote the competition post to most users, technical support to pin the post at top of feed is needed.
b, in order to show all the participating posts in one place, hashtag feature is needed to support this need.
c, in order to award winners, technical support is needed to increase their social exposure to help them increase followers which is a big incentive to them.

At the same time, I conducted user interviews to collect insights and translate them into actionable product insights for further iterations.


Since the competition project is launched, we have seen a big increase in the app downloads number which reached 1 million downloads.

We've also seen the participants number increase a lot and received many positive feedback and reviews from users. Many users reposted to their social media accounts (e.g. Instagram, Facebook) to promote the app and competition.

Display Poster
Quick look from the app

Here is a quick look about how users can create an outfit look based on our algorithm suggestion.

Tutorial GIF
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