Color Set Image

Bakery Shop App - UI Design

This UI design is part of a UI challenge called September Saturation Challenge that I attended to practice and improve my design skills. In this challenge, I would do a UI design within a week with a set of colors required. Even though it is a UI challenge, I still follow the basic UX design process from problem definition to user research to visual design but in a simplified way.

Color: #ED254E, #F9DC5C, #F4FFFD

How do I come up with the idea?

The color combination reminds me of the cakes and desserts so I decided to design a shopping experience for a bakery shop called Sweet Treats. Rounded elements are used in the UI design, including rounded corners, pictures in round shape etc. to reflect the cakes. Vivid color combinations will work up people’s appetite thus making them shopping cakes.



Please let me know what you think and how you would like it to be improved. Hope you like my design!